
Thursday, September 4, 2008


Just 3 m0re days and sch00ls g0nna re0pen.
And I needa finish the projects - FAST
Most of them I S0L0.
Thats the reas0n f0r d0ing s0 sl0w.
My g0sh~
And I needa read finish a whole story book within these 3 days! GLUP!
Today, I think was the worst thing that happened in my life.
I spilled MILO on my uniform. And it was embarrassing*. I got to use any secret weapons to cover/disguise my dirty stuff on my uniform.
"S0 what are we g0ing t0 d0 next...?
Take 0ut 0ur handy HIST0RY FILE"
This qu0te is from BLUE CLUES.
I used this Hist0ry File t0 c0ver/disguise my dirty stuff.
Thats why I was like h0lding my Hist0ry file this wh0le m0rning in sch0ol. *MY SECRETS' 0UT!*
Okay... G0tta rush. 0h n0. And needa change the bl0gskin.
Ok, whatever. My main aim is to rush, RUSH, RUSH!!!

Mood: Messed up, busy.

P.S. Homework hurts trees. Everyone, take part to save the EARTH!


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