
Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I had just posted on my cousins blog and my secret agent blog.
I left an English Biography. *SIGH*
I just updated my blog and everything.
I added alot of things.

I made new post.
Today, many things happened.
Not really.
My secret agent and I talk about the medicines we had.
Then we talked about other things.
Blah blah.
What should I say?
Oh yeah.

I went to the esplanade that time with my group members and it was like TOO FUN!
I will tell you about it.
We went to the esplanade and we went inside the lift.
At that time, I took a video too. *What a coincedence*
We pressed the 2nd storey but it did not move.
A moment later, the lift started making noises.
It goes like this........ "HMMMMMMMMMMM"
We thought we were stuck in the lift and we decided to call for the elevator help.
Then my friend pressed open the lift door the closed it again then the lift went up.
What kind of lift is this?
SCarely. But, well....fun?!

Then I took another video about a ghost dustbin.
I held the lid of the dustbin and then let go.
The lid of the dustbin started shaking all about like a ghost! *COOL*

Then we took a picture of the reflection of the water.
It was like another ghost. *HAHA!*

Then we went to the basement at the esplanade.
We took a video and started running all about.
Then we rewind it and quickly.
It was so funny.
All of us started running backwards!

I watched a new Korean show.
It is the 'Couples or trouble'.
It is so funny.
I managed to find a funny NG video on "My girl" Korean drama.
Enjoy it.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

New post

Hi, posting again.
I had updated my calendar and my links!
I find the Maths Test really HARD!
I am now doing my irritating projects! *That is getting up my nerves!*
Tomorrow going out with my group members to take pictures.
We are going to the Esplanade and Chinatown.
I wonder why don't we go to Little India and more?

Really wondering...
Then tomorrow, I am going to grandmother's house to celebrate m y cousin's birthday.
I don't know when am I going to cut my nails and hair.
And I need to get a new pair of spectacles.
The one I was wearing has just broke into two. *Pi-Chiat!*
Sorry, now.
I need to go.
My sister's really bugging me to go to youtube to watch the video on the national day songs.
I think I going to post later again.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Today, Edwin was running for his bus 105.
He ran and then suddenly stopped.
Then his hand started bleeding.
I was not sure if is was profusly or what.
Feel so sad.

Then he went to the General Office.
Then he was now a REALLY BOSS.
He was sitting on one of the ARMCHAIRS there.
He was really like a BOSS this time.
He sat down there and teachers, vice-principal and students all around him and clean his wound and everything.
Really BOSS.
Our ex-form teacher helped, Chinese teacher, vice-principal and classmates.
He's a boss.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Emotions!

I am creating more and more new emotions!
Everyone, try them out!

This is a railway line:

The ******* are the people.
The H are the doors.
The TTTTTTTTTT are the railway line.

This is a puppy: Uo+oU
Cute huh?

This can be either crying or black rings: (i . i)
Ta- Da!
Aren't I clever and creative?

Try my new emotions and you can tag on my blog about it!
I can join CREATIVE company!

And create THINGS!

Friday, July 18, 2008


First is the Chinese 'planning'.
Next, is the project work.
Then the lantern Festival thing.

Not to forget homework, I have one left.


It is don't know what drawing.


I think I make one calendar on my blog.

I doing it now.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

HELLO! again!

Hello, came back to post!
Today, we have a boss, he is EDWIN!
And guess what!
I am the CEO/Secretary!

We are working in the EDWIN & Co.
The workers are...
-Scott (buys black pepper chicken & fish fillet for us) *What a lame job*
-Julian (Entertain us) *A more lame job :P *
-Keith (what is his job?)
-Jun Hao (Teach us homework) *HARD work!*

I am CEO/Secretary. I don't know what I DO!
I just know I need to help the BOSS to draw pictures. That's my job! *I think its kind of fun!*
The boss do what? He GETS MASSAGE! *So relax~*

Our rules are very childish. *Don't dare to say.*
Bye for now.
Chinese test tomorrow!
By the way, the Literature test today was a litttle difficult!
HOPE I PASS!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Suddenly, I remebered the past...
This is what happen and it is sort of funny?

It was raining when I was on my way home with Julian.
We used our umbrella as shelter. *I said it in another way! (:*
Then, two of my classmates with one of his friends came running towards us. *I don't like to see people walking towards us.*

As they had no umbrella, they ran to our umbrella and one of them said 'Hey, John,wait!' or something like that. *Since when am I John?*
Then I was like ARGH! How dare you call me JOHN!
This is another event still about the guy who called me John.

Suddenly I heard someone calling my name!
Then I turned to the caller and it was the guy who called me John. *I was like ARGHHH!!! NOT HIM AGAIN!*
Then he looked at me and laughed and I was ARGHH!!
P.S. He knew my name as my friends told him.

Taking a break~~~ I just had a piece of orange! Felt so refreshed!

Getting back to the story ...
As I don't know the guy's name, I called him alien friend. *HAHA!!*
He is so like nameless like that. So calling him alien friend is no problem! (:
Then when I saw him running or walking pass me sometimes, I said 'Hi, alien friend.'
I said it softly or else I might die if he hears it!

From now on, I ALMOST ALWAYS DO THAT! (:
So happy~

I need to study for my Literature test tomorrow.
But I think my this post is like so long already.
So happy. (:

Byekies! *Is there a byekies? I thought only hikies?*
Anyway, BYEKIES!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Hi again.
I asked some people on what to post.
They say joke, about my life and videos. *Common*
I don't really know what to say. *Still stuck.*

Please people.
Tell me if there is anything interesting to post about.
Tell me through my tag. *Thanks*

I have just finished doing my composition. *FINALLY!*
I am now thinking what to post.
Lets talk about... I think...
I need to go already.

A story.

I think this is a story. *O. What am I talking about?*
It goes like this...

Today, I heard that the composition is not due on Monday! *Is it a hooray?*
But I still had to finish today. *Boring.*
I really don't know what to say.
Be right back.
... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ...
I think I want to say.
I don't know what to SAY!!!

I know.
This is a correction to my earlier post.
The Racial Harmony Day is not on this Monday. *Sorry...*

To be continued...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Oh hi.

My school Chinese Orchestra learn new songs already!

The notes don't make sense to me. *Or am I senseless?*

Can't believe it.
My English composition is like impossible to answer. *I thought nothing was impossible?!*
It is about Racial Harmony Day.
The day have not even come then what to write about?!
We still need to wear what Racial Harmony costume.
Our teacher say we COMPULSORY wear. But I think its impossible to find one?
Can't take it anymore.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

PAIN~But survived! (A painful experience)

This painful event happened on 6 July.
I was going home after visiting my grandmother's house with my family.
Our uncle had a taxi so he drove us home.
Then when we reached our home, I alighted the taxi.
Then, before my hand could move away, my sister slammed the taxi door without knowing that my hand was still there.
Then, I 'Ouch'!
My thumb got hit! *OUCHIE!*
I hope and hope that something happen to my thumb.
So I no need write anything again.
But, then my thumb recovered!

Another event.
It happened today, 8 July.
I was walking to my bus stop with my 2 other friends, Jun Hao and Julian.
Julian and I were holding a 'GLUP' from 7-eleven. *Tasty!*
But, then we met two people and they changed our lifes... *Naa. Just kidding.*
They asked we 3 about a survey. *YAWN*
Jun Hao wanted to escape! *Don't BETRAY US!*
They asked me about my personality as there were many choices about it.
I chose 'BLUR'. Haha.

I need to do my homework now.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Need to do the E-learning day stuff.
I MAYBE going to change blogskin again.
And add new stuffs.
Better get going.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008



Happy Birthday to you guys!
Hope you enjoyed your movie! :)

Today, We LAST minute sent the powerpoint to Miss Lim.
It was during recess.
The last mintue. Then the bell rang.
Then at that time, we sent the powerpoint to Miss Lim .
Mr Choo said, 'Boys, faster get back to your class.' in a very angry way.
It makes us so angry.

Then, our grouppresented the powerpoint.
I was NOT nervous at all.
Instead, I kept on laughing.
Edwin and charmaine said they would stare at me.
But when I looked at them, they were not looking at me at all.
That makes me really LAUGH!

NOBODY notice the mistake I said in the podcast!
So happy.