
Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Suddenly, I remebered the past...
This is what happen and it is sort of funny?

It was raining when I was on my way home with Julian.
We used our umbrella as shelter. *I said it in another way! (:*
Then, two of my classmates with one of his friends came running towards us. *I don't like to see people walking towards us.*

As they had no umbrella, they ran to our umbrella and one of them said 'Hey, John,wait!' or something like that. *Since when am I John?*
Then I was like ARGH! How dare you call me JOHN!
This is another event still about the guy who called me John.

Suddenly I heard someone calling my name!
Then I turned to the caller and it was the guy who called me John. *I was like ARGHHH!!! NOT HIM AGAIN!*
Then he looked at me and laughed and I was ARGHH!!
P.S. He knew my name as my friends told him.

Taking a break~~~ I just had a piece of orange! Felt so refreshed!

Getting back to the story ...
As I don't know the guy's name, I called him alien friend. *HAHA!!*
He is so like nameless like that. So calling him alien friend is no problem! (:
Then when I saw him running or walking pass me sometimes, I said 'Hi, alien friend.'
I said it softly or else I might die if he hears it!

From now on, I ALMOST ALWAYS DO THAT! (:
So happy~

I need to study for my Literature test tomorrow.
But I think my this post is like so long already.
So happy. (:

Byekies! *Is there a byekies? I thought only hikies?*
Anyway, BYEKIES!


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