
Friday, August 29, 2008


I have not posted my blog for SOOO LONG already. So I am back to post. I don't want it to DIE...
Why my blogskin removed by photobucket???
So SAD....
The picture is not illegal right???
So troublesome if need to redo blogskin...
So maybe I don't care.... MUHAHAHAAHHAH
Wow... Holiday's arriving...
But need to do HOMEWORK, PROJECT, not 1, not 2, not 3, BUT 4!!, REVISION!!!!
I become MAD!!!!!!
So long never UPDATED my BLOG ALREADY.
How ar....
Need to do so many things.
Because I never update my blog so long. Then become like that. But actually, having all these stuff to do I think quite fortunate already. Because the Sec 4 need O-level. Then need to study more and more things! Pity them....
Tell you what...
The bus I always take to school is always so WEIRD....
I don't know how to descibe it...
Oh yeah... You know I watched 'JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH'
So cool. That movie just so interesting. But all my friends say I everything also nice.
It is because I watch movie in cinema is like only 4 times altogether.
SO I kept on saying NICE NICE NICE when they ask me...
Its LOL...
Ok, bye now...
Maybe I will change blogskin...

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Its been for so long since I had last posted.
I am now so lazy to post.
I don't have the mood to post.
I just heard the Channel 5 advertisement about the 'CALAFARE' how to spell?
The first advertisment said " YOu owe $$ you pay $$" So funny. It was the Mumbai guy who said it.

Ai ya...
So many tests recently. That is also another reason why I have not posted for so long.
Projects here too. Design and Technology, Project Work, Chinese Project!
So mess UP!
Can't take it...
Wow. I have stayed up so late today. Just to do all these silly projects.
Arr... Just finish most of it.
Just finding for more things for my blog for entertainment.
So I won't feel bored.
Eerrr... I am also browsing through other people's blog.
Don't feel like doing projects anymore.
Theres teets still on next week.
I was studying it for the whole of morning.

on 15 August was my C.O. teacher b-day.
My senior and I bought mini cake for him!
He was elateD! :DDD

Oh yeah, forgot to tell this: I am going to learn Korean now.
I don't know if I might accomplish my wish. But I will just try, try.
I am going to change the TAGBOARD too to a more advanced one.
Which is much more cooler. But I will leave the old one there-for memories.
I need to update the calendar and add new things now.
BYESS . Really tired.



Tuesday, August 12, 2008

GRA!!! Back to post!~

Oh! I done with all my projects already!
Actually, almost.
So many tests coming up.
Chinese, History , Literature, Science.

So many things leh.

I think nowadays don't really have the mood to post.
I always cut my hair at home~
I cut the fringe.
So scared because my hair so long.
So always secrtly cut fringe, side and back.
Schools are so scrict.
i . i
I watching the Korea show now~
The show so nice.
Now 10.42pm. Left 18 minutes before the show end and I am going te sleep.

Now the advertisment about BE ABSOLUTELY U.

So boring.

Ha~ The show back again.

Time: 10.46pm Left 14 minutes~

Now the show the guy EMOING!


He waited to marry the girl.
Kneeled outside her house from spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Inspired by someone's blog.
Always write feeling at the end.
My feeling: -------------------------------------------------------------------->

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Long time~

So long already and I have not posted. So I am glad to post again.
Nothing is intersting. Homework. Test. Exams. Quizes. Spelling!!!!!!

Relax time~
Anyone watched the Beijing Olympics open Ceremony?
And anyone watched the National Day Parade 2008?
Now is the repeated version!
Just updated my calendar and EXTRS.
I need to finish up my last homework.
I am going to my gradma's home soon~
Waiting for my father to bathe finish!

Monday, August 4, 2008


I know what to post today! Let me tell you about what happened on Sunday!
I went to my Grandma's house. Then, when I was eating, I found a worm.
*Not sure what kind of worm it is. It is a dead one!*
So, I continued eating. I found another worm in my rice!
Gosh and oh dear! My cousins, anut and uncles all laughed and some ewwed.
Then, I used my bare hands to throw it in the dustbin.
*Oh, Luckily they were all dead.*

After that, we went to play. We played a very childish and boring game. It was some cooking and serving stuff game.
*Told ya it was childish!*

My sister was the cook and she ordered all of us to serve to the toy rat, power ranger and all those toys that needs to eat. It was so funny! One of my cousin said, ' I can't believe I am serving a rat!' And then we all laughed. Then we celebrated our grandfather's birthday. We ate thye cake and then we all went to the kitchen. Then I told them,' Still remember that last time my sister was the queen and she kept on taking alot of toys out. Then, when my sister was not looking, we all quickly put back the toys and we all started to giggle.'
After hearing this, we all started to laugh and laugh. My sister then suddenly ignored us.
*By the way, this was a sign of angryness.*
We kept on console her then suddenly she shouted,' Surprise!' Then we all started to laugh as my sister tricked us and it was hilarous! Jut then, our eldest cousin came in to the kitchen and saw all of us laughing. He said we were all siao meaning crazy.
Then, I told them that I found 2 worms in my rice and all of us continued laughing.
Then, we all stopped laughing. Then my eldest cousin asked why did we all stopped laughing. We looked at one another and then started laughing away.
Then, that's all about it.
But... how about today? Ok. Julian and I was talking in the bus. Thenm when we reachedour bus stop, we forgot to press the bell and we ent tio the next stop. We are sooo weird. Okay. I need to do my homework already. Bye!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hi, back!

I left one more homework.
Oh! I going to update the calendar.
Wait... My friend chatting with me...
Ok. back!
Mission Impossible, acomplish!
I need to hurry up with my homework as I need to visit my Aunt's home and grandmother's house.
Really need to hurry up.
Wait...... Let me think on what to write...
I went home with Julian after school after Chinese Orchestra.
Suddenly, the bus stopped moving and the bus was quiet...
The TV mobile stopped....
Then the bus went back to normal.
I am now also busying adding people to my chat.
I just finished my history homework.
I really like the Indus Valley Civilisation!
I LOVE the Korea show!
*Couple or Trouble!*
According to my long previous post, I wished I pass my Literature Test.
And I.........PASSED!
By the way, mind your words, its Hungry Ghost Festival.