
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Did so many things and had NO time to post on the blog.
Sorry 'bout that.
Oh, its Saturday and its going to EOY EXAM!
Gotta bury face in book, memerising and stuff.
Thats the common sentence everyone use to describe when its near exam. I'm going to say...

"Heads buried in the textbooks and stuck inside. On, the exam day, you go to school with the head stuck in the book like a bookworm (or bookhuman?). Then your hard work paid off!
Buring heads in book really made you pass your exams well!
Because the book is stuck and you can see what is in the BOOK!"

HAHAHAH! That's a cool paragraph! Oh, I need to finish up my homeworks and gotta revise. waa. And soon my dad needa use the computer because he needa book a chalet
(: (oh, I used the word book)

Okay, so gotta go. Signing off, me (:

Monday, September 8, 2008

Opps, again

Just finished doing my book review.
Wait! Sharks! Monsters!
I forgot to write the summary. -.-" LOL
I thought I can relax and go rest.
Woo! I just took 2 minutes and done! (:
So now, continuing my post. And adding more pictures in this post.
The LOL emotion very cute. :)
Hm... What did I want to say? Hm...

Let me add many funny emotions in my blog only when I am FREE.Then this blog very funny!~

Now I think I shall put my link on the class blog? So others can visit?

Oh, now what emotions to put?

I've just had a new handwriting and I think it is SUPER DUPER COOL.

Oh yeah~ I just recently found someone's blog who have ALOT of created emotions.

I think its COOL!
This person like SIAO-->

So bad. Hit the penguin.
This guy the eye open so big.
Because its an eye opener-->

This one so what. -->
Finding more emotions. I moment please.
This one also -->

The Channel U show 9 pm finish already.
I tired. YAWN. No matter what...

Current mood: Tired.
Tired among Homeworks

This mother-->

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Hell0. Calling 0nce, twice... S0LD!
Haha. I sold 'Hell0'. So I am going to rent, well actually buy and use a new word at the start of the post.
Ow. Ouch! Woah!
Words, please stop rushing! Please queue according alphabectical order. First is 'aww'?! NO way, next please.
...: Hours later :...
None acceptable!
Ok. So I needa think of a word to start a post.
The top part is just talking. Now, for the real post.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

That's not scary. Go away, n0t scary monster.

Ok. Now currently talk about the invading of earth.
But the real thing is that I still have projects. I don't know when due date. And is like we CANN0T 0r maybe N0T want t0 d0 it. My leader just have n0t answered me. HMMMMMM

She have not answered me on MSN.
Probably she is singing on MSN.

She likes ballerina all these stuff. EEk.

Gotta go on all these bunky and rocky rides on PROJECTS.


MOOD: Homework.. AWW...

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Just 3 m0re days and sch00ls g0nna re0pen.
And I needa finish the projects - FAST
Most of them I S0L0.
Thats the reas0n f0r d0ing s0 sl0w.
My g0sh~
And I needa read finish a whole story book within these 3 days! GLUP!
Today, I think was the worst thing that happened in my life.
I spilled MILO on my uniform. And it was embarrassing*. I got to use any secret weapons to cover/disguise my dirty stuff on my uniform.
"S0 what are we g0ing t0 d0 next...?
Take 0ut 0ur handy HIST0RY FILE"
This qu0te is from BLUE CLUES.
I used this Hist0ry File t0 c0ver/disguise my dirty stuff.
Thats why I was like h0lding my Hist0ry file this wh0le m0rning in sch0ol. *MY SECRETS' 0UT!*
Okay... G0tta rush. 0h n0. And needa change the bl0gskin.
Ok, whatever. My main aim is to rush, RUSH, RUSH!!!

Mood: Messed up, busy.

P.S. Homework hurts trees. Everyone, take part to save the EARTH!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Waa Waa Waa WAAA

I cannot take it~
I just sit in fromt of the computer doing and doing. I SO HATE IT~~
I so lazy now~
Maths Project I HAVE NOOO IDEA what to do~
Teacher did not say anything about it.
I play games until bored already.