
Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hey… That time my daddy bought JELLY back home. yeah  But then it is super watery and the thing is super tight. When I opened the packet, the whole jelly thing sprayed onto my face and shirt. I was like some sort of clown humouring myself as I kept on laughing afterwards.

Today, I got bored so I started using used paper to fold many paper aeroplanes.

From the size of your face to size of your little last toe nail.

Then my sister started attacking each other with paper aeroplanes. We used our school bag and newspaper for protection. It was super fun. (Although it is super childish) It was fun and Funny. When my sister used the newspaper for protection, the newspaper kept on dropping and it was simply hilarious.

Then, I found out that I have Déjà Vu. Not sure if it is a sickness or virus or something?

the meaning, : the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has happened in the near past), although the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain.  (FROM WIKIPEDIA)

examples: you are travelling to England for the first time. You are touring a cathedral, and suddenly it seems as if you have been in that very spot before. Or maybe you are having dinner with a group of friends, discussing some current political topic, and you have the feeling that you've already experienced this very thing -- same friends, same dinner, same topic.

I experienced it before and a lot of times. When I was in Sec 1 having my art lesson, suddenly I experience this again. Its like
I have felt exactly what happened. EVERYTHING is the same (creepy). The noise, the weather, the people , Everything!

There's another weird thing I experience when I was in Sec 1 camp. For one moment, I felt that I am in a dream when I am EXACTLY AWAKE. What happened was I got a little giddy, feel like fainting. I could hear everything, but I could not understand anything. It is like at that moment, everything is in a daze, as if I was sleeping at that moment.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Stickiest Situation EVER!!

Today is Friday the 13. The last day before the MARCH hols! Oleh! But so sad, the march hols Monday to Friday got Chinese Orchestra, cannot even rest a bit. *crys*

Then today, Friday the 13, we went to Sungei Buloh! It was so fun! Its definitely a sticky situation. We had to wear

- Boots

- Gloves

Equipped with:

- Black bag

- Spade (my was spoilt okay and its NOT funny)

Then we had to dig out the plants on the SOFT MUD. Its super WET, SOFT, SINKABLE! So when everyone started work, we all started walking on the SOFT mud. Everyone was like sinking down and down into the ground. It was SUPER DUPER HARD to walk. Every step you take, YOU get STUCK. Ahhhhhhhhhh~. I had a hard time finding a SUITABLE plant to dig out and plant it in the black bag.

When you walk… SQUISH SQUASH kind of sound and its like gooey and gross? When you TRY not to get stuck, the mud will spray everywhere. My hands, legs, shirt, shorts, boots are all MUDDY! When I was like done with my plant, we had to place them on HARD SOIL.

3 of classmates were like got stuck in the soft mud.

Ai yo.. They like take the whole day to get free of the SINKABLE mud.

I saw hermit crab the size of my thumb. The whole place was like filled with shells. I think there were a lot of POO along the way too. Everyone were MUDDY, SMELLY, DIRTY, ITCHY, TIREDY. We all clean up and the tap was like so Lousy. So little water. No wonder they say SAVE THE WATER.

Then, I did photo taking.  I was HAPPY for myself to find the KOMODO DRAGON. I told some of my classmates and then they all like become MAD about it. Then we did some water sampling and that was like YAWNN. It was so boring.