
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

lazy, woke up from lazytown

Just woke up form the lazytown.
Very long never post already.
My blog is not dead yet.
The things on my blog still can work and move!
Went swimming today!!
With my family and one of my cousins.
So fun!!
We like crazy at the swimming pool.
My cousin say we like crazy.
We sit at the edge of the pool and move our head down to wet our hair.
My cousin say she cannot bend down and she fell into the pool, like a terrecotta thing fall down.
Then we swim then come out of the pool and go to the shower at the side of the pool.
The water was hot. The we went to the pool and it was so cold.
Because there is an experiment about: you put one hand in hot water and then put it in normal water and you will feel cold.
That is why!
I say we like crazy coz people shower before entering the pool but we swam and then went to the shower to clean ourselves.
After swimming, we will always tip-toe and the footprints of the water will be like dogprints! So fun! My cousin taught me this. Hee.
My cousin is always hilarious. We are ! Crazy

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ok.. Hi...
I am posting at my last minute coz' I go to go out now.
I watch HSM2 on DVD. COOL.
Th songs are so funny. Bye